Low ceiling units - between the 1st and 2nd floor.
The unit door (lime color) is 3 x 3 ft. The ceiling height is approx.3 1/2 ft.
Access is via a heavy duty metal * six (6) step movable stairway,
with a 3 x 3 ft. stand-on platform at top and three sided safety rail.
* Manufactured to OSHA specifications. It is very sturdy and stable.
"E-Z SLIDE" vinyl flooring was installed in all units during 2023. This allows you to "push" most items thru doorway while standing on the stairway platform. "HINT" load light items 1st. and heavy/bulky items last....this will also make unloading easier.
These units are intended for those that only need to pack a small to medium amount into boxes
or a combination of boxes and a few items that are not boxable such as:
1.microwave, TV, plastic totes, etc.
2.small cube refrigerator (either upright or onside to fit through door).
3.Top and bottom of all boxes should be CLOSED FLAT ( not humped), and taped closed.
Suggested weight limit of approx. 40 lbs./item to allow ease of handling.
IMPORTANT: see our MORE page for "Storage Tips" and reservations "Explained".
PRICE AND SIZE FOR MAZZANINE (sampling- click RENT UNIT for availability).
Size/Floor space (approx.) 5 x 6 6 x 8 8 x 8
Summer (May 1st - Aug. 31st.) * $140 $170 $195
Persons/unit (max) 1 1 2
* STUDY ABROAD - either term is double the summer rate; that equates to one month free ( 9 mos.@ cost of 8 ).
1.The idea is to position the movable stairway so the top platform is alongside unit door.
This will align the platform area in relation to the door opening for a good transition and easy lift onto the floor of unit.
2..Since loading is usually completed by sliding items along the floor with additional items used to "push in"
previously loaded items, plan to load lightweight items 1st. with heavy or larger bulky items loaded last..
3. The stairway is on swivel casters. When you rent a mezzanine unit I will sent a separate email
to explain foot operated step-and-release pedal which automatically lowers ladder onto rubber antiskid pads
or lifts it to move around.
:We welcome your call 315-724-7156 to discuss your questions.
If I don't answer please leave a message and I will respond.